Grocery -Kit Distribution during the COVID-19 Lockdown

The Rajkumar College, Rajkot, rose to the occasion and geared up to help the common people suffering due to the Corona Virus Lock- Down. The Management,Principal, Staff,Students and the Support Staff pooled-in, in every way and prepared 390 Ration- Kits to be distributed at our adopted village, Khakhana, near Rajkot. Rice, Wheat flour, Pulses, Tea, Sugar, Cooking Oil and Salt along with a reusable face-nose mask each, were included in a 11.5 kilogramme- kit. All of which was  in a plastic sack- one for each household in the village. A population of about 1500 people living in 390 households were listed and time slots given in advance. The Khakhana Primary School was our venue of the distribution. The Principal of that school, three teachers, and a small team of students supported by the Sarpanch helped us out in the listing and  information sharing. Our Principal, Mr. S. S. Adhikari formed a team of in-campus teachers representing the NCC, Social Service & Disaster Management Club, Interact Club, Round Square,  Spandan  and the Mess. The Police Department advised a small team to be taken. The Bursar, Mr. Chacko T.K. mobilised the funds, Dr. R.K. Mishra prepared the kit, Mr.Sandeep Deshmukh & team loaded and unloaded the bags. Social distancing norms were followed strictly. Masks, Shower Caps, Gloves and glasses were used responsibly. Chalk & Lime markings were drawn to force social distancing for the beneficiaries, who were made to stand in three separate lines. A systematic,smooth and very timely distribution was done. Mr. S. R. Tandel, ACP,  initiated the distribution accompanied by our Principal & the Principal Madam of the Khakhana Primary School. Mr. Vala the I/C ,Kuvadva P.S, Mr. Jani from the Crime Branch, Kirit Bhai, a Social Activist, Our Vice Principal Mr. A. Das &  Bursar Mr. Chacko,Dr. R. K. Mishra, Mr. Minu Pala, Mr. Sudhansu Swar, Mr. Mahendra Singh Chauhan, Mr. Sunil Lal, Mr. Brijkishore Mishra and Mr Hemal Unnithan -+6945 were also active in this event and gave away the kits on our behalf. The Team Work of Team-RkC made things happen like a well oiled mechanism. Our gratitude to the local self government and the Police Dept. for enabling us to shoulder our social responsibilty with confidence and joy!

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