A dynamic team comprising Master Megh Joshi and Master Mann Patel, led by their escort teacher Mr. Manish Raimangia, represented RKC at the “Cosmic Carnival” workshop. Organized by All Saints’ College, Nainital, under the aegis of the Boarding School Association of India (BSAI), the event celebrated the school’s 155-year legacy as a prestigious heritage institution perched atop the scenic heights of Nainital.

The workshop featured an enlightening keynote address by Mr. Mohit Joshi, an eminent engineer at the Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Science (ARIES), fondly known as the “Telescope Man of India.” His inspiring speech energized participants and set the stage for a series of thrilling activities.

Hosted by the astronomy organization Astro Pathshala, the workshop offered four engaging events:

  1. Akashyan Spardha
  2. Aim Through Telescope
  3. Virtual Velocity Car
  4. Robo Kabaddi

Each activity was judged with precision, with teams earning points for their performances. The RKC team actively engaged in every event and proudly clinched the 2nd Runner-Up Trophy during the closing ceremony.

A memorable highlight of the workshop was a breathtaking night-time stargazing session. Students marveled at the celestial wonders through telescopes, observing various terrestrial and astronomical phenomena. The hands-on experience provided valuable insights into astronomy, leaving participants deeply inspired by the mysteries of the universe.

RKC’s impressive achievement at this prestigious event exemplifies their dedication to learning and exploration, inspiring others to reach for the stars!